Notes on Cython

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Using distutils with cythonize

Consider a fib.pyx Cython source code. Our goal is to use distutils to create a compiled extension module ( on Mac OS X or Linux and fib.pyd on Windows). For that, we use a file like so:

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

setup(name='Fibonacci App',
                            compiler_directives={'binding': True},

The arguments of the function cythonize can be seen here. The most important ones are explained below:

  • The first argument is the name of the Cython files. It can also be a glob pattern such as src/*.pyx;
  • nthreads: The number of concurrent builds for parallel compilation (requires the multiprocessing module);
  • force: Forces the recompilation of the Cython modules, even if the timestamps don’t indicate that a recompilation is necessary. Default is False;
  • annotate: If True, will produce a HTML file for each of the .pyx or .py files compiled. The HTML file gives an indication of how much Python interaction there is in each of the source code lines, compared to plain C code. It also allows you to see the C/C++ code generated for each line of Cython code. Default is False;
  • compiler_directives: Allows to set compiler directives. More information here;
  • language_level: The level of the Python language. 3 is for Python 3.

These two function calls succinctly demonstrate the two stages in the pipeline: cythonize calls the cython compiler on the .pyx source file or files, and setup compiles the generated C or C++ code into a Python extension module. A C compiler, such as gcc, clang or MSVC is necessary at compile time.

To build on Linux and MacOS, run:

python3 build_ext --inplace

The build_ext argument is a command instructing distutils to build the Extension object or objects that the cythonize call created. The optional --inplace flag instructs distutils to place each extension module next to its respective Cython .pyx source file.

On Windows:

python build_ext --inplace --compiler=msvc

If you use setuptools instead of distutils, the default action when running python3 install is to create a zipped egg file which will not work with cimport for pxd files when you try to use them from a dependent package. To prevent this, include zip_safe=False in the arguments to setup().

One can also set compiler options in the, before calling cythonize(), like so:

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

from Cython.Compiler import Options

Options.embed = True

setup(name='Fibonacci App',
                            compiler_directives={'binding': True},

The embed option embeds the Python interpreter, in order to make a standalone executable. This will provide a C function which initialises the interpreter and executes the body of this module. More options here.


Typing variables

Untyped dynamic variables are declared and behave exactly like Python variables:

a = 42

Statically typed variables are declared like so:

cdef int a = 42
cdef size_t len
cdef double *p
cdef int arr[10]

and behave like C variables.

It is possible to mix both kinds of variables if there is a trivial correspondence between the types, like C and Python ints:

# C variables
cdef int a, b, c

# Calculations using a, b, and c...

# Inside a Python tuple
tuple_of_ints = (a, b, c)

In Python 3, all int objects have unlimited precision. When converting integral types from Python to C, Cython generates code that checks for overflow. If the C type cannot represent the Python integer, a runtime OverflowError is raised. A Python float is stored as a C double. Converting a Python float to a C float may truncate to 0.0 or positive or negative infinity, according to IEEE 754 conversion rules. The Python complex type is stored as a C struct of two doubles. Cython has float complex and double complex C-level types, which correspond to the Python complex type.

We can also use cdef to statically declare variables with a Python type. We can do this for the built-in types like list, tuple, and dict and extension types like NumPy arrays:

cdef list particles, modified_particles
cdef dict names_from_particles
cdef str pname
cdef set unique_particles

The more static type information we provide, the better Cython can optimize the result.

C Functions

When used to define a function, the cdef keyword creates a function with C-calling semantics. A cdef function’s arguments and return type are typically statically typed, and they can work with C pointer objects, structs, and other C types that cannot be automatically coerced to Python types. It is helpful to think of a cdef function as a C function that is defined with Cython’s Python-like syntax.

cdef long factorial(long n):
    if n <= 1:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

A function declared with cdef can be called by any other function (def or cdef) inside the same Cython source file. However, Cython does not allow a cdef function to be called from external Python code. Because of this restriction, cdef functions are typically used as fast auxiliary functions to help def functions do their job. If we want to use factorial from Python code outside of this extension module, we need a minimal def function that calls factorial internally:

def wrap_factorial(n):
    return factorial(n)

One limitation of this is that wrap_factorial and its underlying factorial are restricted to C integral types only, and do not have the benefit of Python’s unlimited-precision integers. This means that wrap_factorial gives erroneous results for arguments larger than some small value, depending on how large an unsigned long is on your system. We always have to be aware of the limitations of the C types.

C Functions with Automatic Python Wrappers

A cpdef function combines features from cdef and def functions: we get a C-only version of the function and a Python wrapper for it, both with the same name. When we call the function from Cython, we call the C-only version; when we call the function from Python, the wrapper is called.

cpdef long factorial(long n):
    if n <= 1:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

A cpdef function has one limitation, due to the fact that it does double duty as both a Python and a C function: its arguments and return types have to be compatible with both Python and C types.

Both cdef and cpdef can be given an inline hint that the C compiler can use or ignore, depending on the situation:

cpdef inline long factorial(long n):
    if n <= 1:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

The inline modifier, when judiciously used, can yield performance improvements, especially for small inlined functions called in deeply nested loops, for example.

Exception Handling

A def function always returns some sort of PyObject pointer at the C level. This invariant allows Cython to correctly propagate exceptions from def functions without issue. Cython’s other two function types (cdef and cpdef) may return a non-Python type, which makes some other exception-indicating mechanism necessary. Example:

cpdef int divide_ints(int i, int j):
    return i / j

To correctly propagate the exception that occurs when j is 0, Cython provides an except clause:

cpdef int divide_ints(int i, int j) except? -1:
    return i / j

The except? -1 clause allows the return value -1 to act as a possible sentinel that an exception has occurred. If divide_ints ever returns -1, Cython checks if the global exception state has been set, and if so, starts unwinding the stack. In this example we use a question mark in the except clause because -1 might be a valid result from divide_ints, in which case no exception state will be set. If there is a return value that always indicates an error has occurred without ambiguity, then the question mark can be omitted.

C structs, unions, enums an typedefs

The following C constructs:

struct mycpx {
    int a;
    float b;

union uu {
    int a;
    short b, c;


Can be declared on Cython like this:

cdef struct mycpx:
    float real
    float imag

cdef union uu:
    int a
    short b, c

cdef enum COLORS:

We can combine struct and union declarations with ctypedef, which creates a new type alias for the struct or union:

ctypedef struct mycpx:
    float real
    float imag

ctypedef union uu:
    int a
    short b, c

To declare and initialize:

cdef mycpx a = mycpx(3.1415, -1.0)

# Or
cdef mycpx b = mycpx(real=2.718, imag=1.618034)

# Or
cdef mycpx zz
zz.real = 3.1415
zz.imag = -1.0

# Or, structs can be assigned from a Python dictionary (with CPython overhead):
cdef mycpx zz = {'real': 3.1415, 'imag': -1.0}

Efficient Loops

Considering this Python for loop over a range:

n = 100
# ...
for i in range(n):
    # ...

Its cythonized version that would produce the best performing C code is:

cdef unsigned int i, n = 100
for i in range(n):
    # ...

Extension Types

A Python class such as:

class Particle():
    def __init__(self, m, p, v):
        self.mass = m
        self.position = p
        self.velocity = v
    def get_momentum(self):
        return self.mass * self.velocity

Would be cythonized as:

cdef class Particle():
    cdef double mass, position, velocity

    def __init__(self, m, p, v):
        self.mass = m
        self.position = p
        self.velocity = v
    def get_momentum(self):
        return self.mass * self.velocity

To make an attribute readonly (for a Python caller):

cdef class Particle():
    cdef readonly double mass
    cdef double position, velocity
# ...

mass will be readable and not writable by the Python caller, but position and velocity will be completely private.

cdef class Particle():
    cdef readonly double mass
    cdef public double position
    cdef double velocity
# ...

Here, position will be both readable and writable by the Python caller. If C-level allocations and deallocations must occur, then use the __cinit__ and __dealloc__ methods:

cdef class Matrix:
        unsigned int nrows, ncols
        double *_matrix

    def __cinit__(self, nr, nc):
        self.nrows = nr
        self.ncols = nc
        self._matrix = <double*>malloc(nr * nc * sizeof(double))
        if self._matrix == NULL:
            raise MemoryError()

    def __dealloc__(self):
        if self._matrix != NULL:

You can cast a Python object to a static object:

# p is a Python object that may be a Particle

cdef Particle static_p = p

# Or, with the possibility of segfault if p is not a particle:


# Or, safelly, but with overhead:


None can be passed as argument for functions that receive static type. This will lead to segfaults. To protect against it:

def dispatch(Particle p not None):
    print p.get_momentum()
    print p.velocity

Wrapping C++




Typed Memoryviews



